Autobio/Mission Statement

My name is Tristan Klintworth. Tristan with an "a" because I was unaware of how my name is really spelt until I was about 14. I'm 17 years old and scraping by through high school. I'm a senior this year living a pretty typical life for a senior in high school. I don't have a lot of money, I'm unemployed. I drive a little Toyota tuner that my parents helped me buy and I drive way more than I can afford. My girlfriend and I have been together for almost two years now; she's in the band at a different high school in town. I think I'm pretty smart but everyone does.
   When I was little, I lived in Goose Creek and had a big, curly head of hair. I don't remember too much but I really enjoyed swings. It wasn't an unhealthy habit or anything; it was a fascination with centrifugal force, I think. I was about as tall as someone under 8 years old would normally be, standing far below the adults that  changed my diapers. The biggest impact a memory had on me back when I lived there was a time there was an owl attempting to eat some new born kittens. It never succeeded but I ended up naming the only striped one from the litter. This cat was the eldest and stayed with our family. I had her until a few months ago when she passed away at about 15 years old. She's buried in my current back yard.
   Right now, I like to hang out with my friends, be outside and enjoy the weather. The fall and winter are coming and it's my favorite time of year. I enjoy expressing myself through music, I sing and scream for a band called Aid & Abet. We've had a lot of roster problems but we're going to go places. I like to strive to be the best I can be, and that comes with being slightly full of pride. Though, I get along with people.
    Art, for me should realistically or fantastically exemplify what the person is thinking. It's a representation of someone's inner ideas and an outlet of expression. Art to me is any form of inner monologue or fantasy put to paper or another medium.

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